Cosmetic Dentures

If you have most or all of your teeth missing, we can help you by creating dentures that more closely resemble teeth and gums. We employ the latest technology in dentistry that allows us to design your new smile with the help of computer video-imaging, which will show how you will look with your new teeth. We also do try-ins, which will allow you to take the dentures home in trial form for you to see in a relaxed home setting, how it will make you look, and to give you the opportunity to get feedback from other people. We can then incorporate that feedback into the final design of your dentures.

We can also make immediate dentures for patients who need their front teeth extracted, so that they do not have to be showing any missing teeth during the waiting process. For the patients who have been using dentures for a longer period, we can reline their old dentures to make them fit as good as new.

Dentistry for All Ages

Dr. Daftary treats adults and children over 3 years of age.

Good oral health practices should begin in infancy and continue throughout the adult life. At Prestonwood Dental, we believe in providing this care to your children in their early years. We can see your child as early as three years of age. Attitudes and habits established at an early age are critical in maintaining good oral health throughout your child’s life. With your help and regular professional care, your child can grow up free of cavities and keep their natural teeth all their lives.